Research Facilities in the Department
This page gives a general list of facilities available in the department,
without classifying them according to the research groups or
laboratories. You may visit the individual
research group pages
and write to people working there for detailed information.
Experimental facilities
- 14 MeV neutron generator
- Microtron (electron accelerator upto 8 MeV)
- Fields Emission Microscope and Atom Probe
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- High vacuum and UHV Systems
- ESCA Machine
- Scanning Electron Microscope
- Atmospheric Cloud Chamber (-30oC)
- Liquid Nitrogen Plant
- Image Grabbing and Analysis (Software and Hardware)
- Deposition Chambers with Vacuum Pumps
- Scalar Network Analyser (10 MHz - 18 GHz)
- LCR Vector Bridge
- MOCVD System
- Glove Chamber
- EMI, RFI Sheilding Room
- Thermoluminiscence Measurement System (-80oC to +50oC)
- High Speed Refrigerated centrifuge
- TL Glow Analysis Program
- Extra-Cellular recording - PC based
- ERG/VEP measurement system
- Zeiss Axiovert Microscope (Inverted) with laser interface + CCD + Monitor
- Excimer Lasers (two)
- Nd: YAG (Oscillator + Amplifier)
- Ruby Laser (Oscillator + Amplifier)
- CO2 Laser (CW)
- Optical Multichannel Analyzer
- He- Ni Lasers
- Low Angle X-ray Diffractometer
- Bulk X-ray Diffractometer
- UV - VIS. - IR Spectrophotometers
- Photoluminiscence Apparatus
- Magnetic Susceptibility
- Tally Step
- Ellipsometer
- Toroidal Linear Plasma Devices
Computational facilities
- SGI Altix 350 (250Gb, 24Gb RAM, 1.5GHz)
- Several Pentium IV machines