This page will host all possible forms that are made availabe in the administrative office
in (mostly) PDF format. It is an addition made to facilitate the users.
On account of this page, users will save at least one round to the administration office
and in turn will save their own as well as the officials' time.
Any user possessing soft copy of any form from the office is requested to submit the same to
webadmn at physics.unipune.ac.in, so that it can be made available to all the users
of the department for download. Open formats (pdf mainly) will be most welcome.
Suggestions and additions to the list are welcome, but will be performed as time permits.
Please cooperate in this regard.
- Administration Forms
- To grant leave teaching unit (earning, medical, vacation.)
- Rajeche Avedan Patra -non-teaching (Back to Back print)
- Joining (Non-Teaching)
- Guest House / Vehicle Booking
- Account Forms
- Ph.D./M.Phil Forms
- Joining Report (Research Student)
- Memorandum
- Report of presentation for Ph.D. Registration
- Report of viva & open defense
- Store Forms