Date |
Type |
Speaker |
Title / Description |
02/05/2022 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under a project funded to Prof. Sanjay D. Dhole
10/01/2022 |
Announcement |
Raman Memorial Conference-2022
14/12/2021 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for Project Associate
10/07/2021 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow
18/05/2021 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of JRF
18/05/2021 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of SRF
18/05/2021 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of SAC and PA.
18/02/2021 |
Announcement |
A International Conference on “2D Nanomaterials: Recent Development and Future Avenue”(2D Nano -2021)(Virtual Event).
13/02/2021 |
Announcement |
Quotations are invited for supply and installation of UV VIS NIR Spectrophotometer.
13/02/2021 |
Announcement |
Quotations are invited for supply and installation of FTIR Spectrometer.
23/01/2021 |
Announcement |
Quotations are invited for supply and installation of Solar Simulator.
23/01/2021 |
Announcement |
Quotations are invited for supply and installation of Incident photon to current efficiency system.
04/12/2020 |
Announcement |
Personal Interview for M.Phil/Ph.D.(Physics) admission 2019-20,(round II)
23/11/2020 |
Announcement |
Quotations are invited for supply and installation of Highend GPU workstation.
25/10/2020 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of Research Assistant
25/08/2020 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of JRF under a project sanctioned by SERB, DST, Govt. of India
20/08/2020 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of JRF/PA-I under a project sanctioned by SERB, DST, Govt. of India
19/12/2019 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate under a project sanctioned by Indo-French Center for
Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR), Govt. of India
16/11/2019 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under a project funded to Prof. Sanjay D. Dhole
16/11/2019 |
Announcement |
M. Phil and Ph. D. (Physics) Admission Interview 2019
04/07/2019 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under UGC-DAE-CSR Indore funded project_ Dr. R. C. Kambale
02/07/2019 |
Announcement |
27/02/2019 |
Announcement |
B B Laud Lecture Series
27/03/2019 |
Announcement |
14/02/2019 |
Announcement |
Workshop cum Thematic Lecture Series On “Advances in Solar Energy Materials and Devices”
14/02/2019 |
Announcement |
Thematic Lecture Series on “ADVANCES IN PHYSICS" 15-Feb-2019
07/02/2019 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant (WALK IN INTERVIEW)
07/02/2019 |
Announcement |
Dr. M R Bhiday prize for Industry Oriented Research Work 2019
04/02/2019 |
Announcement |
Thematic Lecture Series on “ADVANCES IN PHYSICS" 09-Feb-2019
04/02/2019 |
Announcement |
Call for quotation to purchase i) secondary chamber cum heat exchanger and ii) Scrubber and Exhaust.
04/12/2018 |
Announcement |
Thematic Lecture Series on “ADVANCES IN PHYSICS”
04/12/2018 |
Announcement |
Quotation for High Speed Camera
26/11/2018 |
Announcement |
Quotations are Invited For Impedance Analyzer_Physics Department
02/11/2018 |
Announcement |
02/11/2018 |
Announcement |
Raman Memorial Conference (RMC) - 2019
12/10/2018 |
Announcement |
11/10/2018 |
Announcement |
04/10/2018 |
Announcement |
01/10/2018 |
Announcement |
01/10/2018 |
Announcement |
28/08/2018 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant / JRF, NRB,
New Delhi, DRDO funded project_ Dr. R. C. Kambale
28/08/2018 |
Announcement |
Advertising for JRF position under SERB, DST Scheme
28/08/2018 |
Announcement |
advertising for JRF position under SERB, DST Scheme
28/08/2018 |
Announcement |
Research Assistant under ISRO project
28/08/2018 |
Announcement |
Senior Research Fellow under DST (SERI) project
08/08/2018 |
Announcement |
IPA Announcement 2018
08/08/2018 |
Announcement |
Call for Nominations to R.K.Bhalla Prize 2018
10/07/2018 |
Announcement |
Important Notice regarding to M.Sc.(Physics)Admission 2018-19
10/07/2018 |
Announcement |
10/07/2018 |
Announcement |
Hostel Admission List of M.Sc. I Students
03/07/2018 |
Announcement |
Merit List for M.Sc.Physics 18-19(Defence,Physically Disabled Person & Otherthan SPPU National & Reserve Category students)
03/07/2018 |
Announcement |
Notice For students eligible for M.Sc-II
29/06/2018 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under UGC-DAE-CSR Indore funded project Dr. S. Dhole
29/06/2018 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under UGC-DAE-CSR Indore funded project_ Dr. S. R. Mahamuni
29/06/2018 |
Announcement |
Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under
UGC-DAE-CSR Indore funded project_ Dr. R. C. Kambale
29/06/2018 |
Announcement |
Merit List for M.Sc. Physics 2018-19 (S.P.P.U. students only)
26/06/2018 |
Announcement |
"Effective Marks for M.Sc. Physics 2018-19 (S.P.P.U. students only)
13/03/2018 |
Announcement |
13/03/2018 |
Announcement |
13/03/2018 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF SRF sanction by MNRE
13/03/2018 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow/Research Assistant sponsored by Department of science and technology,SERI, New Delhi
13/03/2018 |
Announcement |
Selected Students for M.Phil./Ph.D.Admission 2017-18
13/03/2018 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (RA) under ISRO-UoP STC Project
15/01/2018 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (RA) under ISRO-UoP STC Project
15/01/2018 |
Announcement |
Kickoff Meeting of SP Pune University at Square Kilometre Array India consortium (SKAIC)
15/01/2018 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant (PA) under INSPIRE Faculty Project
28/12/2017 |
Announcement |
M.Phil and Ph.D. Admission 2017-18, List of eligible candidates and Interview time table
11/12/2017 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) / Project Assistant (PA) under SERI-DST
24/11/2017 |
Information |
M.Sc. Physics, Final Exam Time Table Nov-Dec-2017
04/11/2017 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Project Assistants(PA) and Research Assistants(RA) to work on a research project entitled "Novel Materials for Energy Harvesting"
23/09/2017 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Project Assistants(PA) 16 and Research Assistants(RA) 15 under UPE Phase II Project
07/09/2017 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Project Associate under DST research project
19/08/2017 |
Announcement |
Call for Nominations to R.K.Bhalla Prize 2017
31/07/2017 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow under DAE-BRNS
31/07/2017 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow/Research Assistant under SERI-DST
31/07/2017 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow under SERB-DST
26/07/2017 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow
19/07/2017 |
Announcement |
M.Sc. Physics Syllabus for the batch admitted in 2017-18
12/07/2017 |
Announcement |
Notice Inviting Tender to procure XPS with UPS
10/07/2017 |
Announcement |
M.Sc. (Physics) 2017-18: About commencement of the course
5/07/2017 |
Announcement |
Allotment date of special course for M.Sc._II Students
19/06/2017 |
Announcement |
M.Sc. Physics Entrance Examnination-2017 Seat No. wise Marks
05/05/2017 |
Announcement |
04/05/2017 |
Announcement |
Re-Advertisement for Walk In Interview for the post of Junior Research
Fellow (JRF) under SERB-DST funded project
03/05/2017 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics) Admission 2017-FAQ's
26/04/2016 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for PA under ISRO-UOP Space Technology Cell
17/04/2017 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics) Admissions 2017-18
17/04/2017 |
Announcement |
Walk In Interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under
SERB-DST funded project at Department of Physics
29/03/2017 |
Announcement |
International Conference On Advanced Materials Development & Performance
29/03/2017 |
Announcement |
Project Fellow Under HEMRL, Pune
24/03/2017 |
Announcement |
Project Fellow Under UGC-DAE-CSR, Mumbai
22/03/2017 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for JRF Under DAE-BRNS Project
08/03/2017 |
Announcement |
One day Workshop on Driven Soft Matter and Biological Systems
Appointment information for Characterisation Technics
07/01/2017 |
Announcement |
Project Fellow Under DAE-IUC Center,Indore
05/10/2016 |
Announcement |
Quotation Request For Optical Cryostat For Microscopy
| 05/10/2016 |
Announcement |
Quotation Request For Optical Cryostat For Microscopy
05/10/2016 |
Announcement |
Quotation Request For Diode Laser For Microscopy
30/09/2016 |
Announcement |
Request for quotation of Fluorescence Microscope
20/09/2016 |
Announcement |
Request for Proposal to procure and install High Performance Compute servers
29/08/2016 |
Announcement |
Re-Advertisement for JRF Under DST Project
20/08/2016 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for JRF Under DAE-BRNS Project
02/08/2016 |
Announcement |
Quotations are invited for Glove Box
30/07/2016 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for JRF Under DST Project
30/07/2016 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for Assistant M. Tech Coordinator and PA
25/07/2016 |
Announcement |
Project Fellow Under UGC-DAE CSR,Indore
8/07/2016 |
Announcement |
Result of M.Sc. Physics examination held in April/May 2016 and Notice for demand of photocopy
8/07/2016 |
Announcement |
SPPU Students Merit List (Reserve Category)
8/07/2016 |
Announcement |
SPPU students Open Merit List
5/07/2016 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for PA under ISRO-UOP Space Technology Cell
25/06/2016 |
Announcement |
Attention M.Sc. Part-II Students (Special Course Notice)
17/05/2016 |
Announcement |
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) M.Sc. Entrance Test
12/05/2016 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for RA under ISRO funded project
06/05/2016 |
Announcement |
List of selected candidates for Summer School in Physics 2016 (SSP2016)
28/04/2016 |
Announcement |
Enquiry for UV-VIS Spectrometer
28/04/2016 |
Announcement |
Online application form for M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance Exam 2016
13/04/2016 |
Announcement |
Summer School Application Form
13/04/2016 |
Announcement |
Summer School Brochure
09/04/2016 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF and Site Manpower on DST-SERI Project
04/04/2016 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF
29/03/2016 |
Announcement |
Exam Time Table Apr-May-2016
18/03/2016 |
Announcement |
Exam form Notice Apr-May-2016
18/03/2016 |
Announcement |
Quotations for Inverted Microscope for Epifluorescence
29/02/2016 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF
09/02/2016 |
Announcement |
Talk on Star formation out of the Magnetised Interstellar Medium by Prof. Robi Banerjee
08/02/2016 |
Announcement |
List of Selected Students for the admission to PhD in Physics 2015-16
4/02/2016 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF
23/01/2016 |
Announcement |
List of Candidates call for Ph.D.Interview 2015-16
11/12/2015 |
Announcement |
M.Phil. Selected Candidates 2015-16
05/12/2015 |
Announcement |
Result of the M.Phil. Physics Entrance Exam 2015-16
21/11/2015 |
Announcement |
M.Phil(Physics) Entrance Exam 2015-16 Students List
18/11/2015 |
Announcement |
M.Phil(Physics) Entrance Exam 2015-16 and Schedule
28/10/2015 |
Announcement |
Raman Memorial Conference (RMC) - 2016
28/10/2015 |
Announcement |
Final Time Table DEC - 2015
08/10/2015 |
Announcement |
Tentative Time Table DEC - 2015
08/10/2015 |
Announcement |
Exam Notice DEC - 2015
28/09/2015 |
Announcement |
Walk In Interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow Funded by ISRO
03/08/2015 |
Announcement |
30/07/2015 |
Announcement |
IPSEC - 2015 Schedule
15/07/2015 |
Announcement |
Walk In Interview for the post of Project Fellow Funded by UGC-DAE,CSR Indore at Department of Physics
10/07/2015 |
Announcement |
Walk In Interview for the post of Project Assistant Under ISRO-UOP project at Department of Physics
8/07/2015 |
Announcement |
List of recommended students (Savitribai Phule Pune University only) for M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions 2015-16
4/07/2015 |
Announcement |
M.Sc. Physics Entrance 2015 - Effective marks for S. P. Pune University students
2/07/2015 |
Announcement |
Project Fellow Under UGC-DAE CSR Indore
1/07/2015 |
Announcement |
Project Fellow Under UGC-DAE CSR Indore
1/07/2015 |
Announcement |
Junior Research Fellows/Project Assistants Under DST ,New Delhi
24/06/2015 |
Announcement |
Selected Candidates For Refresher Course in Physics
22/06/2015 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics)2015-16 - Fee Structure
22/06/2015 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2015-16 - Merit List (Other than Savitribai Phule Pune University)
16/06/2015 |
Announcement |
Result of M.Sc. (Physics) entrance 2015
13/06/2015 |
Announcement |
List of Selected Students for the admission to PhD in Physics 2014-15
05/06/2015 |
Announcement |
Pune Center Detailed seating arrangement. - M.Sc (Physics) Entrance 2015
04/06/2015 |
Announcement |
Center wise seat no. - M.Sc (Physics) Entrance 2015
01/05/2015 |
Announcement |
List Of Candidates Call For Ph.D. Interview (2014-15)
28/04/2015 |
Announcement |
Summer School in Physics-2015
27/04/2015 |
Announcement |
Result Of PET-II Paper(2014-15)
04/04/2015 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics) Application Form 2015-16
28/03/2015 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of PA under UPE Phase II
28/03/2015 |
Announcement |
International Conference on Solar Energy 2015
13/03/2015 |
Announcement |
One Day Workshop on Driven Soft Matter and Biological Systems
04/03/2015 |
Announcement |
List of Candidate for Ph.D. Paper(II)
09/02/2015 |
Announcement |
Ph.D. Paper(II)Physics Syllabus
23/12/2014 |
Announcement |
International Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference 2015 First Announcement
02/12/2014 |
Announcement |
11/11/2014 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics) Admissions 2015-16
30/10/2014 |
Announcement |
M.Phil. Admitted Students List 2014-2015
14/10/2014 |
Announcement |
Interview M.Phil (Physics) 2014-2015
14/10/2014 |
Announcement |
Result of the Entrance Test M.Phil (Physics) 2014-2015
11/10/2014 |
Announcement |
List of Students for M.Phil. Entrance Test 2014-15
10/10/2014 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for walk in interview for Project Fellow funded by UGC-DAE CSR Indore
11/10/2014 |
Announcement |
M.Phil Admission 2014-15
Announcement |
Raman Memorial Conference (RMC) - 2015
06/10/2014 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the Post JRF/PA
06/10/2014 |
Announcement |
List of candidates called for personal interview for the DST-PURSE-RA Post
06/10/2014 |
Announcement |
List of candidates called for personal interview for the DST-PURSE-PA Post
23/09/2014 |
Announcement |
List of candidates called for personal interview for the UGC-BSR-JRF Posts
25/09/2014 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of PA under a project funded by NRB,DRDO
25/09/2014 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of PA under a project funded by ISRO
10/09/2014 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of RA and PA
5/09/2014 |
Program |
IPA Teachers day Program
05/09/2014 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF
1/09/2014 |
Request for Quotation |
Quotations are invited for the supply and installation of Semiconductor Parameter Measurement Analyzer
26/07/2014 |
Request for Quotation |
Quotations are invited for the supply and installation of Data Center facility
18/07/2014 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF and RA
07/06/2014 |
Announcement |
Ph.D. Admission 2013-14: Recommended Candidates
27/05/2014 |
Announcement |
Ph.D. Admission Interviews 2013-14
27/05/2014 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF
05/04/2014 |
Information |
M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions 2014: Frequently Asked Questions
02/04/2014 |
Advertisement |
M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions 2014: Entrance Test Advertisement
02/04/2014 |
Announcement |
M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions : Online Application form for Entrance Test 2014
11/02/2014 |
Announcement |
New Date for BARC-UoP JRF Entrance Examination for Physical Sciences
08/02/2014 |
Announcement |
BARC-UoP JRF Entrance Examination for Physical Sciences
21/01/2014 |
Announcement |
Result of Physics PET-2013 Paper-II
23/01/2014 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of PA
15/12/2013 |
Announcement |
PET-2013 Paper-II Seat numbers
06/12/2013 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for the post of PA
30/11/2013 |
Announcement |
N-SEPMI2014:Pre-registration form
15/2/2014 |
Announcement |
National Symposium on Emerging Plasma Techniques for Materials Processing and Industrial Applications
15/2/2014 |
Announcement |
National Symposium on Emerging Plasma Techniques for Materials Processing and Industrial Applications
15/12/2013 |
Announcement |
PET-2013 Physics (Paper-II) Announcement
13/11/2013 |
Announcement |
RMC - 2014
23/11/2013 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for the post of PA
24/10/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Phil. 2013-14: Second merit list
22/10/2013 |
Announcement |
Refresher Course 2013 (Announcement|List of Selected Candidates)
14/10/2013 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for the post of PA
14/10/2013 |
Announcement |
Corrigendum to the Advt. Published on 30/05/2013
08/10/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Phil. 2013-14: List of Shortlisted Candidates
01/10/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Phil. 2013-14: List of Candidates called for Counselling
01/10/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Phil. 2013-14: Merit List
24/09/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Phil. 2013-14: List of Students who applied for M.Phil.2013-14
11/08/2013 |
Announcement |
M. Phil. 2013-14: Entrance Examination
19/08/2013 |
Announcement |
IPA Announcement
10/08/2013 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF
10/08/2013 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF
13/07/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2013 - Pune University merit list (new)
17/07/2013 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant
13/07/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2013 - Effective Marks
13/07/2013 |
Advertisement |
Request for Proposal for GAS Analyzer under UPE Phase II(UGC-262/A) - Last date 27/07/2013
03/07/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2013 - Fee Structure
01/07/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2013 - Merit List (Other than University of Pune)
25/06/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2013 - Results
30/05/2013 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant
29/04/2013 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF
29/04/2013 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for the post of PA
02/04/2013 |
Advertisement |
M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions : Entrance Advertisement
02/04/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions : Ordinance181 (revised)
02/04/2013 |
Announcement |
M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions : Application form for Entrance Test 2013
01/03/2013 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for the post of PA
06/02/2013 |
Announcement |
Submission of Full length paper of NC-2013
24/01/2013 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for the post of JRF/PA
22/12/2012 |
Announcement |
List of Candidates called for interview for Ph.D. Admissions-Second Round
14/12/2012 |
Advertisement |
Request for Quotation for HPC solution
08/12/2012 |
Announcement |
National Conference on Functional Nanomaterials-2013(Advt.|Reg. Form)
01/11/2012 |
Announcement |
Raman Memorial Conference (RMC) -2013
27/11/2012 |
Advertisement |
Request for Proposal for HPC Solution
07/11/2012 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for Project Fellow
07/11/2012 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for JRF/PA
26/10/2012 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for Project Fellow
26/09/2012 |
Announcements |
List of candidates selected for M.Phill.
18/09/2012 |
Announcements |
List of candidates called for personal interview for M.Phill.(2012-13)
17/09/2012 |
Announcements |
M.Phill entrance test result (2012-13)
17/09/2012 |
Announcements |
Orientation Program for UGC‐CSIR NET Examination 2012
10/09/2012 |
Advertisement |
Written test and interview for JRF under BARC- University of Pune Collaborative Research Programme
06/09/2012 |
Advertisement |
M.Phil. Admissions (2012-13)
04/09/2012 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for PA/RA (Walk-in interviews)
29/08/2012 |
Advertisement |
Interaction of Physics teachers with DST program advisory committee members
29/08/2012 |
Advertisement |
MSc Vacant seat for Mumbai Univ Candidates
24/08/2012 |
Advertisement |
R. K. Bhalla prize (2012-13)
07/07/2012 |
Advertisement |
26/5/2012 |
Announcements |
Centers list for M.Sc. (Physics) Entrance Test
21/5/2012 |
Announcements |
Summer school program-2012- Application form
15/5/2012 |
Advertisement |
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)- DST
7/5/2012 |
Advertisement |
Projet Assistants(CNQS-UPE)
30/4/2012 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for Research Assistant
13/4/2012 |
Announcement |
List of selected candidates for Ph.D.(2012)
4/4/2012 |
Announcement |
UGC-BSR Research Fellowships
17/3/2012 |
Announcement |
M.Sc.Physics admission for 2012-13
7/3/2012 |
Announcement |
Ph.D. Interviews Schedule
7/3/2012 |
Announcement |
2/3/2012 |
Announcement |
Physics PET Paper-II Results
3/2/2012 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for JRF - (02 posts)
1/2/2012 |
Announcement |
Physics PET (Paper -II) Announcement
27/1/2012 |
Advertisement |
JRF/Project Assistant Advertisement
17/1/2012 |
Announcement |
One Day Workshop on Syllabus Up-gradation
10/1/2012 |
Announcement |
Ph. D. Entrance Test (PET) Paper II-DATE POSTPONEMENT
28/12/2011 |
Advertisement |
Advt. for Project Assistant
02/03/2012 |
Conference |
Raman Memorial Conference - 2012
13/12/2011 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for JRF/SRF
12/12/2011 |
Advertisement |
Advertisement for various posts in School of Energy Studies
12/09/2011 |
Announcement |
Physic M. Phil Entrance test result
25/08/2011 |
Announcement |
Advertisement for SRF/JRF
11/08/2011 |
Announcement |
Important dates of M.Phil. Adminission for the Year 2011-12
Advertisement |
Advertisement for JRF
Advertisement |
ISRO Project fellow advertisement (walk-in)
Announcement |
M.Sc.Physics Admission Notice
Advertisement |
Advertisement for Research Assistant on ISRO funded project
Advertisement |
ISRO JRF Advertisement
Announcement |
Department of Physics, University of Pune is organizing Summer School Program in Physics 2011.
Advertisement |
Advertisement for Research Staff,JRF/SRF/R.A.,to work on a C.S.I.R. Project
2011-03-21 |
Opportunities |
Advertisemen for JRF, SRF and RA
2010-10-26 |
Advertisement |
Advertisemen for Project assistant
2010-08-11 |
Announcement |
Important admission notice M.Sc.- I Physics
2010-08-11 |
Lectures |
Professor Dr. Sajan Saini,
Queens College, City University of New York |
2010-06-29 |
Advertisement |