07/01/2017AnnouncementAppointment information for Characterisation Technics
Date Type Speaker Title / Description
02/05/2022 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under a project funded to Prof. Sanjay D. Dhole
10/01/2022 Announcement Raman Memorial Conference-2022
14/12/2021 Announcement Advertisement for Project Associate
10/07/2021 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow
18/05/2021 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of JRF
18/05/2021 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of SRF
18/05/2021 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of SAC and PA.
18/02/2021 Announcement A International Conference on “2D Nanomaterials: Recent Development and Future Avenue”(2D Nano -2021)(Virtual Event).
13/02/2021 Announcement Quotations are invited for supply and installation of UV VIS NIR Spectrophotometer.
13/02/2021 Announcement Quotations are invited for supply and installation of FTIR Spectrometer.
23/01/2021 Announcement Quotations are invited for supply and installation of Solar Simulator.
23/01/2021 Announcement Quotations are invited for supply and installation of Incident photon to current efficiency system.
04/12/2020 Announcement Personal Interview for M.Phil/Ph.D.(Physics) admission 2019-20,(round II)
23/11/2020 Announcement Quotations are invited for supply and installation of Highend GPU workstation.
25/10/2020 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of Research Assistant
25/08/2020 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of JRF under a project sanctioned by SERB, DST, Govt. of India
20/08/2020 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of JRF/PA-I under a project sanctioned by SERB, DST, Govt. of India
19/12/2019 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate under a project sanctioned by Indo-French Center for Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR), Govt. of India
16/11/2019 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under a project funded to Prof. Sanjay D. Dhole
16/11/2019 Announcement M. Phil and Ph. D. (Physics) Admission Interview 2019
04/07/2019 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under UGC-DAE-CSR Indore funded project_ Dr. R. C. Kambale
27/02/2019 Announcement B B Laud Lecture Series
27/03/2019 Announcement Colloquium
14/02/2019 Announcement Workshop cum Thematic Lecture Series On “Advances in Solar Energy Materials and Devices”
14/02/2019 Announcement Thematic Lecture Series on “ADVANCES IN PHYSICS" 15-Feb-2019
07/02/2019 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant (WALK IN INTERVIEW)
07/02/2019 Announcement Dr. M R Bhiday prize for Industry Oriented Research Work 2019
04/02/2019 Announcement Thematic Lecture Series on “ADVANCES IN PHYSICS" 09-Feb-2019
04/02/2019 Announcement Call for quotation to purchase i) secondary chamber cum heat exchanger and ii) Scrubber and Exhaust.
04/12/2018 Announcement Thematic Lecture Series on “ADVANCES IN PHYSICS”
04/12/2018 Announcement Quotation for High Speed Camera
26/11/2018 Announcement Quotations are Invited For Impedance Analyzer_Physics Department
02/11/2018 Announcement Raman Memorial Conference (RMC) - 2019
11/10/2018 Announcement SIX MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT FORMAT (For All Research Students)
28/08/2018 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant / JRF, NRB, New Delhi, DRDO funded project_ Dr. R. C. Kambale
28/08/2018 Announcement Advertising for JRF position under SERB, DST Scheme
28/08/2018 Announcement advertising for JRF position under SERB, DST Scheme
28/08/2018 Announcement Research Assistant under ISRO project
28/08/2018 Announcement Senior Research Fellow under DST (SERI) project
08/08/2018 Announcement IPA Announcement 2018
08/08/2018 Announcement Call for Nominations to R.K.Bhalla Prize 2018
10/07/2018 Announcement Important Notice regarding to M.Sc.(Physics)Admission 2018-19
10/07/2018 Announcement Hostel Admission List of M.Sc. I Students
03/07/2018 Announcement Merit List for M.Sc.Physics 18-19(Defence,Physically Disabled Person & Otherthan SPPU National & Reserve Category students)
03/07/2018 Announcement Notice For students eligible for M.Sc-II
29/06/2018 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under UGC-DAE-CSR Indore funded project Dr. S. Dhole
29/06/2018 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under UGC-DAE-CSR Indore funded project_ Dr. S. R. Mahamuni
29/06/2018 Announcement Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow under UGC-DAE-CSR Indore funded project_ Dr. R. C. Kambale
29/06/2018 Announcement Merit List for M.Sc. Physics 2018-19 (S.P.P.U. students only)
26/06/2018 Announcement "Effective Marks for M.Sc. Physics 2018-19 (S.P.P.U. students only)
13/03/2018 Announcement Advertisement for the post of JRF SRF sanction by MNRE
13/03/2018 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow/Research Assistant sponsored by Department of science and technology,SERI, New Delhi
13/03/2018 Announcement Selected Students for M.Phil./Ph.D.Admission 2017-18
13/03/2018 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (RA) under ISRO-UoP STC Project
15/01/2018 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (RA) under ISRO-UoP STC Project
15/01/2018 Announcement Kickoff Meeting of SP Pune University at Square Kilometre Array India consortium (SKAIC)
15/01/2018 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant (PA) under INSPIRE Faculty Project
28/12/2017 Announcement M.Phil and Ph.D. Admission 2017-18, List of eligible candidates and Interview time table
11/12/2017 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) / Project Assistant (PA) under SERI-DST
24/11/2017 Information M.Sc. Physics, Final Exam Time Table Nov-Dec-2017
04/11/2017 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Project Assistants(PA) and Research Assistants(RA) to work on a research project entitled "Novel Materials for Energy Harvesting"
23/09/2017 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Project Assistants(PA) 16 and Research Assistants(RA) 15 under UPE Phase II Project
07/09/2017 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Project Associate under DST research project
19/08/2017 Announcement Call for Nominations to R.K.Bhalla Prize 2017
31/07/2017 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow under DAE-BRNS
31/07/2017 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow/Research Assistant under SERI-DST
31/07/2017 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow under SERB-DST
26/07/2017 Announcement Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow
19/07/2017 Announcement M.Sc. Physics Syllabus for the batch admitted in 2017-18
12/07/2017 Announcement Notice Inviting Tender to procure XPS with UPS
10/07/2017 Announcement M.Sc. (Physics) 2017-18: About commencement of the course
5/07/2017 Announcement Allotment date of special course for M.Sc._II Students
19/06/2017 Announcement M.Sc. Physics Entrance Examnination-2017 Seat No. wise Marks
05/05/2017 Announcement Thematic Workshop and Call for CRS Projects on MATERIALS SCIENCE RESEARCH OF SOCIETAL RELEVANCE
04/05/2017 Announcement Re-Advertisement for Walk In Interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under SERB-DST funded project
03/05/2017 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics) Admission 2017-FAQ's
26/04/2016 Announcement Advertisement for PA under ISRO-UOP Space Technology Cell
17/04/2017 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics) Admissions 2017-18
17/04/2017 Announcement Walk In Interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under SERB-DST funded project at Department of Physics
29/03/2017 Announcement International Conference On Advanced Materials Development & Performance
29/03/2017 Announcement Project Fellow Under HEMRL, Pune
24/03/2017 Announcement Project Fellow Under UGC-DAE-CSR, Mumbai
22/03/2017 Announcement Advertisement for JRF Under DAE-BRNS Project
08/03/2017 Announcement One day Workshop on Driven Soft Matter and Biological Systems
07/01/2017 Announcement Project Fellow Under DAE-IUC Center,Indore
05/10/2016 Announcement Quotation Request For Optical Cryostat For Microscopy
05/10/2016 Announcement Quotation Request For Optical Cryostat For Microscopy
05/10/2016 Announcement Quotation Request For Diode Laser For Microscopy
30/09/2016 Announcement Request for quotation of Fluorescence Microscope
20/09/2016 Announcement Request for Proposal to procure and install High Performance Compute servers
29/08/2016 Announcement Re-Advertisement for JRF Under DST Project
20/08/2016 Announcement Advertisement for JRF Under DAE-BRNS Project
02/08/2016 Announcement Quotations are invited for Glove Box
30/07/2016 Announcement Advertisement for JRF Under DST Project
30/07/2016 Announcement Advertisement for Assistant M. Tech Coordinator and PA
25/07/2016 Announcement Project Fellow Under UGC-DAE CSR,Indore
8/07/2016 Announcement Result of M.Sc. Physics examination held in April/May 2016 and Notice for demand of photocopy
8/07/2016 Announcement SPPU Students Merit List (Reserve Category)
8/07/2016 Announcement SPPU students Open Merit List
5/07/2016 Announcement Advertisement for PA under ISRO-UOP Space Technology Cell
25/06/2016 Announcement Attention M.Sc. Part-II Students (Special Course Notice)
17/05/2016 Announcement Frequently asked questions (FAQ) M.Sc. Entrance Test
12/05/2016 Announcement Advertisement for RA under ISRO funded project
06/05/2016 Announcement List of selected candidates for Summer School in Physics 2016 (SSP2016)
28/04/2016 Announcement Enquiry for UV-VIS Spectrometer
28/04/2016 Announcement Online application form for M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance Exam 2016
13/04/2016 Announcement Summer School Application Form
13/04/2016 Announcement Summer School Brochure
09/04/2016 Announcement Advertisement for the post of JRF and Site Manpower on DST-SERI Project
04/04/2016 Announcement Advertisement for the post of JRF
29/03/2016 Announcement Exam Time Table Apr-May-2016
18/03/2016 Announcement Exam form Notice Apr-May-2016
18/03/2016 Announcement Quotations for Inverted Microscope for Epifluorescence
29/02/2016 Announcement Advertisement for the post of JRF
09/02/2016 Announcement Talk on Star formation out of the Magnetised Interstellar Medium by Prof. Robi Banerjee
08/02/2016 Announcement List of Selected Students for the admission to PhD in Physics 2015-16
4/02/2016 Announcement Advertisement for the post of JRF
23/01/2016 Announcement List of Candidates call for Ph.D.Interview 2015-16
11/12/2015 Announcement M.Phil. Selected Candidates 2015-16
05/12/2015 Announcement Result of the M.Phil. Physics Entrance Exam 2015-16
21/11/2015 Announcement M.Phil(Physics) Entrance Exam 2015-16 Students List
18/11/2015 Announcement M.Phil(Physics) Entrance Exam 2015-16 and Schedule
28/10/2015 Announcement Raman Memorial Conference (RMC) - 2016
28/10/2015 Announcement Final Time Table DEC - 2015
08/10/2015 Announcement Tentative Time Table DEC - 2015
08/10/2015 Announcement Exam Notice DEC - 2015
28/09/2015 Announcement Walk In Interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow Funded by ISRO
03/08/2015 Announcement SIX MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT FORMAT (For All Research Students)
30/07/2015 Announcement IPSEC - 2015 Schedule
15/07/2015 Announcement Walk In Interview for the post of Project Fellow Funded by UGC-DAE,CSR Indore at Department of Physics
10/07/2015 Announcement Walk In Interview for the post of Project Assistant Under ISRO-UOP project at Department of Physics
8/07/2015 Announcement List of recommended students (Savitribai Phule Pune University only) for M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions 2015-16
4/07/2015 Announcement M.Sc. Physics Entrance 2015 - Effective marks for S. P. Pune University students
2/07/2015 Announcement Project Fellow Under UGC-DAE CSR Indore
1/07/2015 Announcement Project Fellow Under UGC-DAE CSR Indore
1/07/2015 Announcement Junior Research Fellows/Project Assistants Under DST ,New Delhi
24/06/2015 Announcement Selected Candidates For Refresher Course in Physics
22/06/2015 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics)2015-16 - Fee Structure
22/06/2015 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2015-16 - Merit List (Other than Savitribai Phule Pune University)
16/06/2015 Announcement Result of M.Sc. (Physics) entrance 2015
13/06/2015 Announcement List of Selected Students for the admission to PhD in Physics 2014-15
05/06/2015 Announcement Pune Center Detailed seating arrangement. - M.Sc (Physics) Entrance 2015
04/06/2015 Announcement Center wise seat no. - M.Sc (Physics) Entrance 2015
01/05/2015 Announcement List Of Candidates Call For Ph.D. Interview (2014-15)
28/04/2015 Announcement Summer School in Physics-2015
27/04/2015 Announcement Result Of PET-II Paper(2014-15)
04/04/2015 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics) Application Form 2015-16
28/03/2015 Announcement Advertisement for the post of PA under UPE Phase II
28/03/2015 Announcement International Conference on Solar Energy 2015
13/03/2015 Announcement One Day Workshop on Driven Soft Matter and Biological Systems
04/03/2015 Announcement List of Candidate for Ph.D. Paper(II)
09/02/2015 Announcement Ph.D. Paper(II)Physics Syllabus
23/12/2014 Announcement International Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference 2015 First Announcement
02/12/2014 Announcement SIX MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT FORMAT For All Research Students
11/11/2014 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics) Admissions 2015-16
30/10/2014 Announcement M.Phil. Admitted Students List 2014-2015
14/10/2014 Announcement Interview M.Phil (Physics) 2014-2015
14/10/2014 Announcement Result of the Entrance Test M.Phil (Physics) 2014-2015
11/10/2014 Announcement List of Students for M.Phil. Entrance Test 2014-15
10/10/2014 Announcement Advertisement for walk in interview for Project Fellow funded by UGC-DAE CSR Indore
11/10/2014 Announcement M.Phil Admission 2014-15
Announcement Raman Memorial Conference (RMC) - 2015
06/10/2014 Announcement Advertisement for the Post JRF/PA
06/10/2014 Announcement List of candidates called for personal interview for the DST-PURSE-RA Post
06/10/2014 Announcement List of candidates called for personal interview for the DST-PURSE-PA Post
23/09/2014 Announcement List of candidates called for personal interview for the UGC-BSR-JRF Posts
25/09/2014 Announcement Advertisement for the post of PA under a project funded by NRB,DRDO
25/09/2014 Announcement Advertisement for the post of PA under a project funded by ISRO
10/09/2014 Announcement Advertisement for the post of RA and PA
5/09/2014 Program IPA Teachers day Program
05/09/2014 Announcement Advertisement for the post of JRF
1/09/2014 Request for Quotation Quotations are invited for the supply and installation of Semiconductor Parameter Measurement Analyzer
26/07/2014 Request for Quotation Quotations are invited for the supply and installation of Data Center facility
18/07/2014 Announcement Advertisement for the post of JRF and RA
07/06/2014 Announcement Ph.D. Admission 2013-14: Recommended Candidates
27/05/2014 Announcement Ph.D. Admission Interviews 2013-14
27/05/2014 Announcement Advertisement for the post of JRF
05/04/2014 Information M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions 2014: Frequently Asked Questions
02/04/2014 Advertisement M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions 2014: Entrance Test Advertisement
02/04/2014 Announcement M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions : Online Application form for Entrance Test 2014
11/02/2014 Announcement New Date for BARC-UoP JRF Entrance Examination for Physical Sciences
08/02/2014 Announcement BARC-UoP JRF Entrance Examination for Physical Sciences
21/01/2014 Announcement Result of Physics PET-2013 Paper-II
23/01/2014 Announcement Advertisement for the post of PA
15/12/2013 Announcement PET-2013 Paper-II Seat numbers
06/12/2013 Announcement Advertisement for the post of PA
30/11/2013 Announcement N-SEPMI2014:Pre-registration form
15/2/2014 Announcement National Symposium on Emerging Plasma Techniques for Materials Processing and Industrial Applications
15/2/2014 Announcement National Symposium on Emerging Plasma Techniques for Materials Processing and Industrial Applications
15/12/2013 Announcement PET-2013 Physics (Paper-II) Announcement
13/11/2013 Announcement RMC - 2014
23/11/2013 Advertisement Advertisement for the post of PA
24/10/2013 Announcement M.Phil. 2013-14: Second merit list
22/10/2013 Announcement Refresher Course 2013 (Announcement|List of Selected Candidates)
14/10/2013 Advertisement Advertisement for the post of PA
14/10/2013 Announcement Corrigendum to the Advt. Published on 30/05/2013
08/10/2013 Announcement M.Phil. 2013-14: List of Shortlisted Candidates
01/10/2013 Announcement M.Phil. 2013-14: List of Candidates called for Counselling
01/10/2013 Announcement M.Phil. 2013-14: Merit List
24/09/2013 Announcement M.Phil. 2013-14: List of Students who applied for M.Phil.2013-14
11/08/2013 Announcement M. Phil. 2013-14: Entrance Examination
19/08/2013 Announcement IPA Announcement
10/08/2013 Advertisement Advertisement for the post of JRF
10/08/2013 Advertisement Advertisement for the post of JRF
13/07/2013 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2013 - Pune University merit list (new)
17/07/2013 Advertisement Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant
13/07/2013 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2013 - Effective Marks
13/07/2013 Advertisement Request for Proposal for GAS Analyzer under UPE Phase II(UGC-262/A) - Last date 27/07/2013
03/07/2013 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2013 - Fee Structure
01/07/2013 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2013 - Merit List (Other than University of Pune)
25/06/2013 Announcement M.Sc.(Physics) Entrance 2013 - Results
30/05/2013 Advertisement Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant
29/04/2013 Advertisement Advertisement for the post of JRF
29/04/2013 Advertisement Advertisement for the post of PA
02/04/2013 Advertisement M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions : Entrance Advertisement
02/04/2013 Announcement M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions : Ordinance181 (revised)
02/04/2013 Announcement M.Sc. (Physics) Admissions : Application form for Entrance Test 2013
01/03/2013 Advertisement Advertisement for the post of PA
06/02/2013 Announcement Submission of Full length paper of NC-2013
24/01/2013 Advertisement Advertisement for the post of JRF/PA
22/12/2012 Announcement List of Candidates called for interview for Ph.D. Admissions-Second Round
14/12/2012 Advertisement Request for Quotation for HPC solution
08/12/2012 Announcement National Conference on Functional Nanomaterials-2013(Advt.|Reg. Form)
01/11/2012 Announcement Raman Memorial Conference (RMC) -2013
27/11/2012 Advertisement Request for Proposal for HPC Solution
07/11/2012 Advertisement Advertisement for Project Fellow
07/11/2012 Advertisement Advertisement for JRF/PA
26/10/2012 Advertisement Advertisement for Project Fellow
26/09/2012 Announcements List of candidates selected for M.Phill.
18/09/2012 Announcements List of candidates called for personal interview for M.Phill.(2012-13)
17/09/2012 Announcements M.Phill entrance test result (2012-13)
17/09/2012 Announcements Orientation Program for UGC‐CSIR NET Examination 2012
10/09/2012 Advertisement Written test and interview for JRF under BARC- University of Pune Collaborative Research Programme
06/09/2012 Advertisement M.Phil. Admissions (2012-13)
04/09/2012 Advertisement Advertisement for PA/RA (Walk-in interviews)
29/08/2012 Advertisement Interaction of Physics teachers with DST program advisory committee members
29/08/2012 Advertisement MSc Vacant seat for Mumbai Univ Candidates
24/08/2012 Advertisement R. K. Bhalla prize (2012-13)
07/07/2012 Advertisement Advertisement_Project_Fellow
26/5/2012 Announcements Centers list for M.Sc. (Physics) Entrance Test
21/5/2012 Announcements Summer school program-2012- Application form
15/5/2012 Advertisement Junior Research Fellow (JRF)- DST
7/5/2012 Advertisement Projet Assistants(CNQS-UPE)
30/4/2012 Advertisement Advertisement for Research Assistant
13/4/2012 Announcement List of selected candidates for Ph.D.(2012)
4/4/2012 Announcement UGC-BSR Research Fellowships
17/3/2012 Announcement M.Sc.Physics admission for 2012-13
7/3/2012 Announcement Ph.D. Interviews Schedule
2/3/2012 Announcement Physics PET Paper-II Results
3/2/2012 Advertisement Advertisement for JRF - (02 posts)
1/2/2012 Announcement Physics PET (Paper -II) Announcement
27/1/2012 Advertisement JRF/Project Assistant Advertisement
17/1/2012 Announcement One Day Workshop on Syllabus Up-gradation
10/1/2012 Announcement Ph. D. Entrance Test (PET) Paper II-DATE POSTPONEMENT
28/12/2011 Advertisement Advt. for Project Assistant
02/03/2012 Conference Raman Memorial Conference - 2012
13/12/2011 Advertisement Advertisement for JRF/SRF
12/12/2011 Advertisement Advertisement for various posts in School of Energy Studies
12/09/2011 Announcement Physic M. Phil Entrance test result
25/08/2011 Announcement Advertisement for SRF/JRF
11/08/2011 Announcement Important dates of M.Phil. Adminission for the Year 2011-12
Advertisement Advertisement for JRF
Advertisement ISRO Project fellow advertisement (walk-in)
Announcement M.Sc.Physics Admission Notice
Advertisement Advertisement for Research Assistant on ISRO funded project
Advertisement ISRO JRF Advertisement
Announcement Department of Physics, University of Pune is organizing Summer School Program in Physics 2011.
Advertisement Advertisement for Research Staff,JRF/SRF/R.A.,to work on a C.S.I.R. Project
2011-03-21 Opportunities Advertisemen for JRF, SRF and RA
2010-10-26 Advertisement Advertisemen for Project assistant
2010-08-11 Announcement Important admission notice M.Sc.- I Physics
2010-08-11 Lectures Professor Dr. Sajan Saini, Queens College, City University of New York LECTURE SERIES ON “SILICON PHOTONICS”
2010-06-29 Advertisement Advertisement_CSIR_JRF-SRF-RA

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